Summary - of blundering incompetence

Flextech Television never had the rights, when they said they did, the legendary idiot lawyer Neil Aspess never bothered to check or tell me about rubbish clauses in the agreements. He also couldn’t be bothered to sort out the amended agreement, even though he had 3 months, It would have been painfully obvious to any learned Judge, that he had made a complete ball’s up, thats why he and the partners at David Wineman in conjunction with Caroline Kean at Wiggin & Co (flextech’s solicitors) who breached the agreement to start with all decided to dig a very big hole and bury me, Unfortunately for me I was still breathing.
I now know it takes a few hours to issue a claim through the courts, Legendary idiot lawyer had 4 months, having completely failed to either advise, warn or protect me legally, he set about delaying then sabotaging before totally removing my Lawful English Right to redress by failing to issue my original claim, delaying the counterclaim and finally stopping the Defence to Flextech’s rubbish, before burying me again. My Barrister Joe Smouha QC (Queens Counsel) From Essex Court Chambers, just plain forgot to tell me about the incompetence, blundering and burying. it would take two more sites to explain what the second and third firms of solicitors Max, Bitel & Greene & Alison Trent got up to, which was just as bad as Legendary idiot lawyer and involved even more burying, And that hole, well it not only got deeper, it became much, much darker, then the light finally went out, But I think I will save that story for another day. - You in the meantime could Start Blogging whilst listening to my tunes on  before popping over and visiting my friends keep Hospitals Open  & Just Fight On.
"Whatever private views and passions plead, 
NO cause can justify so black a deed; 
These, when the angry 'tempest clouds the soul, May darken reason, and her course controul;  But when the prospect clears, her startled eye  Must, from the treacherous gulph, with horror fly, On whose wide wave, by stormy passions tost, So many hapless wretches have been lost. Then be this truth the star by which we steer, Above ourselves, our COUNTRY should be dear." 

THOMSON. "The wisdom of God hath divided the genius of men according to the different affairs of the world; and varied their inclinations according to the variety of actions to be performed therein. Which they who consider not, rudely rushing upon professions and ways of life unequal to their natures, dishonour not only themselves and their functions, but pervert the 
harmony of the whole world, 

(Browne, On vulgar Errors, Book I), Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Pede Claudo - Punishment comes limping. Retribution comes slowly, but surely. (Horace), Thank you Neil Aspess and partners at David Wineman & Co, Joe Smouha & Nigel Eaton at Essex Court chambers, Caroline Kean & Sean St James at Wiggin & Co, Ean Reid at Max, Bitel & Greene, Alison Trent at Alison Trent & Co all the Directors at Discovery Communications and Flextech Television and not forgetting Mark Luiz, Valerie Knott & Michael Stern.... Peace and may God forgive you, because I don’t...
"As for arms, I have enough, And as for troops, an honest man is good company for himself." ,Theseus 

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